A gorgeous, pure white ceremony gown for those special moments meant to be cherished for a lifetime. Celebrate each and every of life's special occasions.
Perfect for baby's first day out of the hospital, a birthday, a family portrait, or any moment to be adored. This 3-piece set contains an organdy gown, two-way playsuit, and baby bonnet. Complete the look with our ceremony bib, shoes, socks, or afghan.
- Genderless design
- Inside two-way playsuit made in a simple design and soft jersey that can be worn year-round.
- With a length of 50-60cm, the 2-way Tuxedo Playsuit can be worn up to 3-months of age.
- As baby begins kicking and wigglying about, the dress-style playsuit can get transformed into a coverall suit by adjusting the buttons.